
About Our Company

Oklahoma focus, Oklahoma roots

Our focus has always been in Oklahoma, and our efforts within the state provide us with an extensive understanding of the true value of your asset. Our competitors focus on buying properties located in numerous states across the country, which dilutes their experience and knowledge. With our strict focus, we are tuned in to the unique needs of Oklahoma residents and owners to help capitalize on your mineral rights. Our experience working with mineral rights’ ownership and negotiating with various oil & gas companies in today’s volatile energy marketplace ensures we offer a competitive price for your minerals.

Why should I think about selling?

Waiting for royalty income does not always fit the needs of a property owner. Selling mineral rights can expedite the income process by receiving up-front value for the assets, rather than dependency on inconsistent production schedules and ever-changing oil and natural gas prices. Selling can also help families avoid the many title issues involved when inheriting minerals as well as allow them to see a return on the property.

What are the benefits to selling my mineral rights?

While you have to make the decision to sell based on your particular situation, the benefits may include:

  • A guaranteed large payout now instead of future uncertainties.
  • Giving you a lump sum payment to be used for expenses such as college tuition or the down payment for a home.
  • No longer having to deal with the paperwork or taxes associated with oil and gas properties.
  • The ability to put your money in historically less volatile investments, such as real estate or bonds.
  • Not having to divide your mineral rights into lesser quantities among your heirs, making them less valuable but instead leaving cash or other liquid assets that are less difficult with which to deal.